Thursday, March 4, 2010

Twhite Stripes

Our dear friend RPatz was recently on Jimmy Fallon.  You can view that interview here:

In said interview, Jimmy suggested that RPatz and KStew start their own band, the "Twhite Stripes." Well, naturally, the other members of the cast had some comments to say about this idea.

AGreen: Wow, I think you two would make a great band. I mean, you have such great chemistry when you are acting together that maybe you could make something of a music group.

DFan: I call being a back up singer. I mean we sing together in The Runaways.

TLaut: And I could totally front the band. With my shirt off of course.

KStew: I don't know TLaut...

TLaut: I would look really good on a poster.

KLutz: And then we could make a Rock Band: Twhite Stripes Edition. You guys are FA-MOUS. We could make bank from a game like that.

JRath: Definitely. I mean, KLutz with your video game expertize, TLaut's good looks and my saavy ways we could market it really well.

KStew: Wouldn't we have to actually form the band first?

AGreen: Well yeah, but it shouldn't really be that much of a problem. I'm up for shopping for some ensembles for you guys. And DFan, I think that you being a back up singer would be a really good idea.

RPatz: Hey guys, you're forgetting one thing.

Everybody else: What? What's the problem, etc.

RPatz: I only know two songs...

As an added bonus, Jimmy Fallon had a new episode of "Bothered, with Robert Pattinson." And there was a very special guest on this episode:

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