Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Valentine's Day Party

So our esteemed cast member, AGreen, decided it would be fun to throw a Valentine's Day extravaganza at The Penthouse.  Here's what ensued:

AGreen:  Okay guys, I'm serious here.  I want everyone, yes that means you too KLutz, to participate.  DFan told me she already has started on her Valentine's Day Box.

AGreen begins to mumble to herself what needs to be done before the party.

JRath:  Way to overachieve there, DFan.

KLutz:  For reals.  What are you, AGreen's little mignon now?  We thought you were cooler than that. 

DFan(Whispering so AGreen cannot hear the comment)  Hello - I was just trying to get her to stop talking.  She kept talking about this stupid party and so I made something up.  Anyways, I just bought mine.  Premade cards and everything.

Still keeping AGreen out of the conversation.
KLutz:  Good.  Because mine's an old video game holder.  It's red.

RPatz:  Um, I think there's a heart sticker on my guitar box.  Would that work?  Because I planned to sing a song for each of you.  So the box would be empty.

KStew:  And what'll that take?  Like six hours?  How about one song for the whole group.  

RPatz:  But didn't you guys like my Christmas CD?

Everyone: Oh yeah/it was great/loved it.

JRath:  My valentine's are great.

KLutz:  Red cups don't count.  Especially not used ones.

JRath:  Well crap.  I even sharpied the names on.  Hey where's TLaut?  I was hoping to get a game going.  So we all can use our NEW red cups.

KStew:  He's at some party for that movie he's in.  Or something.  

AGreen(Stops making lists to herself)  Alright.  Let's start decorating.  The first thing we need is a table for our boxes!  Oh and I made a list of what everyone else needs to do...

Everyone else starts grumbling, yet, three hours later, the party is all ready to go, just as TLaut is coming in from his party.

TLaut:  Wow guys, my movie is not good.  I'm just not in it enough.  And I'm wearing clothes the whole time.

AGreen:  TLaut, I've seen previews and a track shirt just doesn't count.  And we need your box before our soiree can start.

He hands her a t-shirt that has had the collar and sleeve openings sewed shut.  Her face turns to a grimace as a realizes that it's one of the shirts that she gave him for Christmas.

TLaut:  You like that there, AGreen?  Thought you would.  I picked the pink one and everything.

JRath:  That's awesome.  Just awesome.  

KLutz:  Awe, come on AGreen, he doesn't wear them anyway.  At least it's getting some use.

AGreen:  Okay.  Fine.  Thanks for making one at least.  RPatz really failed at this.

RPatz:  Err - mine's still a box.  And there's still the little heart sticker.

KStew:  But your guitar playing still stinks.

DFan laughs.  Agreen is clearly put out by the jokes being made at her party.

AGreen:  Does no one like my party ideas?  I though they were so clever!

TLaut:  It's not that we don't like them.  We just don't like crafts.  And boxes.  And decorating.  But we do like movies.  Who wants to go watch me on screen?  I have passes to see Valentine's Day tonight.
AGreen:  Well, I guess it is festive for the holiday...

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