Monday, November 30, 2009

Thoughts on RPatz and KStew from the TLight Stars

In some rare interviews with the cast of TLight, we get a glimpse into how the stars feel about the whole RPatz/KStew "relationship." Or whatever it is.

Here are the fantastic responses:

DFan: I totally support this relationship (and am secretly hoping that it is real!) But I mean, KStew and I are like besties now. We've made two movies together and obviously that makes us the best of friends, so I really believe that her choices are all good ones. And then there's the RPatz factor. I need to be on his good side, because he's my provider. And so I like whatever he likes.

TLaut: Um...I have no comment on that question. Anything else? Wanna see my abs?

JRath: I am not a happy person when they're together. I mean we always like to play beer pong after DFan passes out, but naturally they team up together. AND THEY CHEAT! Really, how do you even cheat at beer pong? Not possible? Me and TLaut dominate at that game, yet they somehow always win...I think the ref (KLutz) must secretly be working against us or just really likes RPatz and KStew.
KLutz (interrupting): Whatever dude, I'm fair.
JRath: But when we're not playing beer pong it's alright. I guess.

KLutz: They're dating? I mean that's news to me. I just sit around and play COD. And every once in a while WOW. But don't print's embarassing.

AGreene: Well, first off I think that the two of them are very cute. RPatz is just a lovely person and he is such a gentleman with KStew. They like to spend alone time together and all, and I just find it endearing and I really think that it adds a great aura to the overall relationship (both) on and off stage.
However, I do have one reservation about this relationship. RPatz and KStew seem to go a little crazy when they're drinking. I mean RPatz just strums on his guitar and while listening KStew drinks. And not water. She's not even legal!! I think that alcohol is so vile and should be avoided all together. I try and tell them this, but no one even listens. And now, thanks to KStew drinking poor little innocent DFan drinks. And she is definitely not a heavyweight. Two drinks and she's gone. Four drinks and she passes out. That's really not healthy for someone of her age. Or anyone.
Oh my, sorry about this ranting and raving! I guess that, beyond one certain Element of the relationship, they're really cute together. And I hope that it works out. A wedding would be a lovely thing to attend...I simply love planning things...

KStew: I don't care to comment on this. Fuck off.

RPatz: I really need to get to my guitar playing...

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