Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Movie Night with the TLight Gang

One evening in The Penthouse.....

AGreen: I think tonight we should all relax and just watch a movie, since last time got a little out of hand. Does anyone have any suggestions?

RPatz: (excitedly takes a break from guitar playing) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!

Oh my God. How many times have we watched that? Harry Potter sucks balls.

Harry Potter has done so many great things for children. Look at how these lovely books have encouraged reading in kids. I think they are fantastic. And these movies are really great pieces of fantasy. Though they do stray slightly from the book. But that is really the same for any book to movie. I think we would all know that.

Don't you go comparing Twilight to Harry Potter....

How can you say that KStew? Harry Potter is fantastic. Some of my best work, if I do say so myself.

You know what I like about Harry Potter. That hot Hermione Granger chick.

TLaut, why is it that you never have a shirt on? Would you like me to purchase some for you?

I am just fine AGreen. DRad went all naked for that play he was in, and I don't see you complaining about that.

Man, how do you know that?

I don't know. I saw it online somewhere or something.

Yeah, I frequent Mugglenet and they talked about it on there. They also said something about him getting nude for the Deathly Hallows movie I think.

Oh goodness. Well, we'll just have to see how that goes. I do hope we don't see everything, because there will be children viewing these.

So, are we gonna watch this movie or not?! I want to see how awesome I am.

I don't know RPatz. I would hate for little DFan to get all worked up at the end like she usually does.

I don't get worked up. It is just a really emotional part.

I think that is the best part of the movie. That means it is almost over.

You know what KStew?! You can suck it. I was Cedric freaking Diggory! Do you know what that's like?! NO! I had to learn to do all kinds of stunt things. I had to swim underwater for extended periods of time. I had to face that mutant baby thing at the end, only to be killed by that damn dude that was a rat! Plus, after I went flying through the air when I died, I had to just lay there with my eyes all open. Do you know how hard it is to keep your eyes open that long?!?!? I would think not after all that blinking you managed to fit into your Twilight performance.
(RPatz gets up angrily and storms out of the room.)

Does this mean that I have to stop playing Call of Duty? Cause I'm in the middle of a level right now...

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