Monday, January 4, 2010

The Post Holiday Lull

After oodles of holiday parties and get togethers and dinners and of course time with the cast, our beloved TLight stars are a little well, pooped. While they are more than excited to get presents and things (see the previous post), they were all content one night to just sit around The Penthouse and watch some television.

Well, unfortunately for most of the members of the cast, it came to be AGreen's turn with the remote. Now normally, AGreen watches HGTV, Food Network, TLC, etc, but she was feeling a little bit sappy, and so she turned to the Lifetime Movie Network. (She really was looking for a good cry - or someway to get KLutz's mind off of video games). As she changed the channel, KStew suddenly remembered something from the other room and got up to leave for a second.

On further investigation, after looking up the info of the current movie, AGreen and the rest of the cast noticed that this movie was a movie with none other than our KStew herself. DFan, being the hip youngster of the group, immediately jumped on KStew's IMDB page. Obviously KStew has done more than one lifetime movie, as the whole cast now was aware.

KStew: (From the other room, on the phone) I can't believe they figured this out!! I never meant for anybody to actually watch those movies...I just needed work! To make money!

TLaut: Wow, KStew, this is some high quality stuff.

KStew: (Coming out of the room) Shut up, TLaut! And turn that crap off!

JRath: So you admit that it's crap.

RPatz: For reals. KStew, you never mentionned these to me. I mean, lifetime, really? Is that good for your rep?

KStew: Oh yeah, RPatz, what about your fantastic movie The Haunted Airman?

DFan naturally jumps on his IMDB page as well.

DFan: This one looks pretty good too, RPatz. I mean WWII and the RAF? Wow...

RPatz: Have you even learned about that in history yet? You can't be past like the revolutionary war.

DFan: Hey now. The American school system may be shit, but we do learn some things.

AGreen: Woah. We don't say those words, DFan.
DFan: I'm not six, AGreen.
AGreen: I know, I know, but those just aren't appropriate words for ladies to be using. KStew, have you been using fowl language around DFan again?

KStew: AGreen...stay out of this. What I say has nothing to do with you.

AGreen: Yes but, oh why are we all fighting like this?

TLaut: Maybe it's because you all bought me t-shirts for Christmas. I. Don't. Wear. Shirt.s

KLutz: Or because I'm not playing video games right now. I mean how else can I get my frustrations out? I'm not into that therapy crap, AGreen, sorry.

AGreen: Oh, well maybe you should be. Maybe we should all try some group therapy.

JRath: Maybe some group beer pong time? Or maybe we should watch these movies? They look promising...kind of...

KStew: I don't know guys. I think that we should let KLutz get his video game time in.

KLutz gets overjoyed by this.

AGreen: But how would that solve the problem of our little spat? I mean we're supposed to like each other.

RPatz: I know how to solve the spat. Let's pick a movie that we can all agree on. I've got a good one: Harry Potter and the Goblet of ...

Everyone else: NO!

On a side note, I apologize for the time between this post and the last one. We had holiday things to attend too! However, we hope that everyone had a joyful holiday season!

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