Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas with the TLight Stars

Recently, our TLight friends had their holiday gift exchange. Here are the lists of what everyone got everyone else.

From KStew:
RPatz: gift certificate to their favorite thrift store. Now he can purchase all the secondhand clothing his little heart desires.
TLaut: tshirts. He quickly throws them in a pile saying that they are "too constricting".
JRath: beer pong rule book. He has to learn the rules for future games. There will be no more cheating in this Penthouse.
KLutz: video game. What else are you supposed to get this kid?
DFan: beers. Provided by RPatz, of course.
AGreen: alcohol. To "calm the nerves".

From RPatz:
RPatz created a cd for each star of his own music. There is all of two songs on the entire cd. Also, he bought a special gift for KStew: her own copy of Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone. He would have gotten her The Goblet of Fire, but she has to start at the beginning.

From TLaut:
For the fellas: a copy of his ab workout video. So they can be as sculpted as he is.
For the ladies: a signed poster of his abs. Now they can look anytime they want.

From DFan:
KStew: friendship bracelets. She made them herself in art class.
RPatz: a guitar songbook. Now he can learn some new songs.
TLaut: tshirts. These get added to the pile of shirts from KStew.
JRath: beer pong set. Along with a note saying that she would like to learn how to play. They must keep this from AGreen.
AGreen: new cardigans. To add to the collection.
KLutz: Twilight Scene-It video game. She's ready to take him on.

From KLutz:
Everyone get an Emmet Cullen action figure. After all, he is the best right?

From JRath:
KStew: beer pong rule book. The same one she got him, actually. Seriously, no more cheating in this Penthouse.
RPatz: American history book. "Someone has to teach him."
DFan: Barbie. "Kids her age like Barbies, right?"
KLutz: video game. No, seriously. What else are you supposed to get this kid?
TLaut: tshirts. The pile of tshirts is quickly growing in the corner.
AGreen: pots and pans. Nice and practical.

From AGreen:
KStew: hair care products and a trip to the hair salon. They can use this time as "bonding time".
RPatz: a new suit. He could use some more fancy clothes.
TLaut: lots and lots of shirts. TLaut: "Seriously, all. How many times do I have to tell you. Shirts. Are. Too. Constricting."
DFan: educational board games. We have to get this girl ready for college.
JRath: this lovely photo. Framed of course.
KLutz: a book. In an attempt to "get him away from the video games for a while".

Happy Holidays all!

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