Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Penthouse Resident Celebrates a Birthday.

As many of you may know, today is our friend TLaut's birthday.
His 18th to be exact.
And when you turn 18, it is kind of a big deal.
Here we look in as the Penthouse residents celebrate the important day.

(We come in on the castmates having dinner around the dinner table. Balloons and streamers are hung on the walls and everyone is sporting their party hat (courtesy of AGreen))

Everyone: Happy Birthday TLaut!!!
AGreen: I think it is time to open presents! Here, this one is from DFan.
TLaut: Thanks DFan! (opens present) Wow lottery tickets.
DFan: Yeah, I had to have KStew buy them for me. But now you can do that yourself!
TLaut: Sweet.
AGreen: Here. Open this one from KStew.
TLaut: (opens present) A pack of cigs? I don't even smoke.
KStew: Yeah, but now you can. And I was trying to get rid of those anyway, so there you go.
TLaut: Thanks. I guess.
AGreen: Here. This one is from me.
TLaut: (opens gift) What the heck is this?
AGreen: Those are your voter registration forms! Since you turned 18 you can vote now. So I went ahead and took care of all of that for you.
TLaut: Well thanks.
KLutz: Well, RPatz, JRath, and I went in together on a gift for you. But it hasn't come in yet. So when it gets here, you can have it then.
AGreen: Aww that stinks. I hate it when packages are late in the mail.
(RPatz, JRath, and KLutz exchange smirks and hold back laughter..)
RPatz: Yeah, I don't know what it is about this American postal service you guys have here, but it's too bad that your gift didn't come in man.
AGreen: Well, I'm going to run and get the cake and ice cream.
(After AGreen leaves room, KStew turns to face the guys.)
KStew: You guys are up to something. I can tell.
JRath: I have no idea what you are talking about. Our gift was lost in the mail.
RPatz: Yeah, calm it. (**starts to snicker**)

(AGreen returns with cake. Everyone eats and heads to bed. Around 11 pm, the following takes place.)

RPatz: (shaking TLaut) TLaut! TLaut wake up!
KLutz: Yo wake up! We're going somewhere.
TLaut: What?! What the heck are you doing?
JRath: Here put these clothes on. You have to wear clothes where we're going.
(Other guys start to snicker.)
TLaut: What are you guys laughing at? Hand me some pants. And a shirt if you're making me wear clothing.

(Their car pulls up along the side of a building. As TLaut glances out the window, he spots the sign that gives away where they are.)

TLaut: Are you kidding me?! You brought me here! This is the best present ever! Why didn't you tell me before??
JRath: And ruin seeing that look on your face?
KLutz: And I think we all know that AGreen would have never allowed this if she knew we were here.
RPatz: Are you guys just going to hang out out here all day or are we actually going to go in? Cause I didn't get away from the Penthouse to just hang around outside of this joint.

After a nice night at "The Joint" the guys return to the Penthouse and their beds.

Whitney's note: Happy birthday TLaut. I hope it was celebrated in this manner. And I wish you the best of luck fending off all of the women who are now legally able to lust after you.

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