Thursday, February 4, 2010


On the tv is a new show called The Vampire Diaries. As I watch (and loveee) the show, I find some similarities to Twilight. As do our castmates. Here they discuss.

KLutz: DFan, what are you watching on the tv there?
AGreen: It better not be anything bad. You know how I don't like you watching some of those programs.
DFan: It's The Vampire Diaries. It's about vampires. And is based on a book.
KStew: Well, that sounds familiar...
TLaut: Are there werewolves?
DFan: No. But I think they are coming. One episode kinda hinted toward it.
TLaut: Well, until there are werewolves, I'm not watching.

(Paul Wesley, aka Stefan Salvatore, aka The Hotness, comes up on screen.)

KStew: Woah! Who is that?
DFan: That's Stefan. He's the main vampire. Kinda like the Edward.
KStew: I'm not gonna lie, he's pretty hot.
RPatz: Well of course you think he's hot. He looks like me.
AGreen: What do you mean he looks like you?
RPatz: Well look at him. If I was dressed like Eddie right now, we would look like twins. The same hair. The same clothes. The same really confused look on our faces.
JRath: Well, there are some similarities.
AGreen: JRath, you are supposed to be thinking about what you did. Don't think I've forgotten.
DFan: Anyways, Stefan is kinda like Edward too. I mean, neither one drink human blood. And that's kind of it. Oh, and he loves Elena.

(Paul Wesley, The Hotness, takes the shirt off.)

KStew: Daaaaaaang. Well, there's one thing that you and him don't have in common RPatz.
TLaut: Yo, that's more like something Stefan and I have in common.
RPatz: You all can shut it.

KLutz: I just like this Damon cat. He seems cool.
AGreen: You would.

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