Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas with the TLight Stars

Recently, our TLight friends had their holiday gift exchange. Here are the lists of what everyone got everyone else.

From KStew:
RPatz: gift certificate to their favorite thrift store. Now he can purchase all the secondhand clothing his little heart desires.
TLaut: tshirts. He quickly throws them in a pile saying that they are "too constricting".
JRath: beer pong rule book. He has to learn the rules for future games. There will be no more cheating in this Penthouse.
KLutz: video game. What else are you supposed to get this kid?
DFan: beers. Provided by RPatz, of course.
AGreen: alcohol. To "calm the nerves".

From RPatz:
RPatz created a cd for each star of his own music. There is all of two songs on the entire cd. Also, he bought a special gift for KStew: her own copy of Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone. He would have gotten her The Goblet of Fire, but she has to start at the beginning.

From TLaut:
For the fellas: a copy of his ab workout video. So they can be as sculpted as he is.
For the ladies: a signed poster of his abs. Now they can look anytime they want.

From DFan:
KStew: friendship bracelets. She made them herself in art class.
RPatz: a guitar songbook. Now he can learn some new songs.
TLaut: tshirts. These get added to the pile of shirts from KStew.
JRath: beer pong set. Along with a note saying that she would like to learn how to play. They must keep this from AGreen.
AGreen: new cardigans. To add to the collection.
KLutz: Twilight Scene-It video game. She's ready to take him on.

From KLutz:
Everyone get an Emmet Cullen action figure. After all, he is the best right?

From JRath:
KStew: beer pong rule book. The same one she got him, actually. Seriously, no more cheating in this Penthouse.
RPatz: American history book. "Someone has to teach him."
DFan: Barbie. "Kids her age like Barbies, right?"
KLutz: video game. No, seriously. What else are you supposed to get this kid?
TLaut: tshirts. The pile of tshirts is quickly growing in the corner.
AGreen: pots and pans. Nice and practical.

From AGreen:
KStew: hair care products and a trip to the hair salon. They can use this time as "bonding time".
RPatz: a new suit. He could use some more fancy clothes.
TLaut: lots and lots of shirts. TLaut: "Seriously, all. How many times do I have to tell you. Shirts. Are. Too. Constricting."
DFan: educational board games. We have to get this girl ready for college.
JRath: this lovely photo. Framed of course.
KLutz: a book. In an attempt to "get him away from the video games for a while".

Happy Holidays all!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Saturday Night Live.

As many of you probably know, TLaut was the host of SNL this past weekend. He was pretty good. Obviously the cast decided to watch together, because they like to "support" each other.

(After the show)
TLaut: So what d'ya guys think? I mean I was pretty awesome, let's be honest.

All of them in general: Nice. Pretty good. Eh...

KStew: So how did they get you to keep your shirt on the whole time? We know that your favorite pastime is taking your shirt off.

TLaut: Yeah, I wanted to, like in my opening talk and all, but they figured that the audience would be in awe. That people might be fainting and stuff..


DFan: I for one thought you did a nice job, TLaut. I really liked how you stood up to TSwift and all. That was pretty cool.

AGreen: DFan, you weren't supposed to be watching!! That was way past your bedtime!! Honestly, doesn't anyone pay attention to her bedtime anymore?

KLutz: Cool it, AGreen. I let her watch because she promised to give me an extra couple of hours with my video games.

AGreen: Were you ever good at following rules, KLutz?

RPatz: (Strumming his guitar) AGreen, if DFan is old enough to drink, she's old enough to watch a little late night tv.


TLaut: Let's get back to me, guys!! I mean I hosted SNL. Pretty much the coolest ever.

RPatz: The only part I liked was when my face was shown. I always knew you were Team Edward, TLaut. I only wish they had mentioned something about Harry Potter. I mean Cedric...

KStew: Cool it with the Harry Potter stuff! God! We know how much you love yourself in HP. And TLaut, you stay away from him in real life...

TLaut: I'm not promising anything. And I'm not Team Edward, I was just playing a part.

JRath: Just like that Sinter Claus skit, eh? You were a pretty good singer and dancer. And I liked that sparkly green vest. I mean I thought you were straight...

TLaut: I AM! (Flaunts his abs towards the ladies) For reals. I'm just a badass. And I thought that you all understood that this was just a show.

KStew: Whatever. I don't really care.

RPatz: Yeah, I mean, I was playing my guitar for most of the show anyways. And we know how much I like my guitar. Almost as much as playing piano. And singing. And watching Harry Potter...

AGReen: I for one thought you did a lovely job, TLaut. I think that it was very nice of the people at SNL to invite you to host, and you did a great job. I really feel like we should all be congratulating TLaut.

KLutz: (From across the room) Will you all just shut up? I'm trying to beat this stupid Harry Potter game.

JRath: What happened to COD?

KLutz: I beat it. Twice. I was bored. And RPatz gave this to me for free a few weeks ago.

KStew: (Clearly talking about RPatz) What a narcissicist...

TLaut: Hello people, I'm over here...

*Sorry that it's been so long between posts, but I broke my leg this weekend. And since it was my turn and all, it just took me a little time to get this written. But I hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cast sends thoughts.

My fellow partner on this here blog, Erin, took a little spill on the ice yesterday.
And broke her little leg.
Sounds more like something I would do....but anyways...
The TLight stars wanted to give her some things to make her feel better and send her their wishes.

KStew: Well, I know what it is like to fall on ice. Trust me, I had to do it in Twilight. And I know what it's like to wear one of those boot things. I had to do that in Twilight too. So, anyways, feel better soon. And, since I'm supposed to be making you feel better and all, I guess Harry Potter isn't all that bad. Just don't tell RPatz I said that.

TLaut: Yo, if you want to feel better you can just look at my abs for a while. Plus, you can watch me be awesome on Saturday Night Live.

JRath: If you get to feeling better I can give you some beer pong lessons. Show you how I always beat KStew.

DFan: Oh my goodness! Did it look all gross and stuff?? I bet it did. That really sucks. If I broke my leg, I couldn't be a cheerleader for my high school football team anymore. And that would be really bad. So I hope you get to feeling better soon.

KLutz: Well, since you can't move around as much now, we can play some XBox together if you want. I can show you how to rule at Call of Duty. I've pretty much got the skills you know.

AGreen: Oh my stars. That ice is so bad this time of year. At least, I imagine it being bad. LA doesn't really get that you know. But I hope your leg heals better soon. I can't imagine walking around with a cast and everything. If you need anything, let me know. I'm here to take care of you if you need it.

RPatz: Well, I thought I would write you a little song about my get well wishes.
(Sung to the tune of Mandy by Barry Manilow)
Ohhhh Erinnnnnnnn!
Well you went and you fell on iceeeeee
And now you can't walk
Ohhhh Erinnnnn!
Well I hope you fell better sooonnnnnnn
And you get your pink cast
Ohhh Errrrrin.

So Erin, the TLight stars have provided you with warm wishes and thoughts.
And now, I provide you with this.
Cause I saw it, and laughed a lot.

Get better!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

The TLight stars talk about some pictures.

In this installment, the TLight stars discuss some of their pictures.

AGreen: Oh my gosh. This was the day the airport lost my luggage and I had to borrow clothes from KStew.
KStew: Good thing I have such awesome taste.

Entire TLight cast: **speechless**

TLaut: Check out them abs yo!
KStew: I know. We see them everyday.
TLaut: Are you complaining about this?! Because you shouldn't be.

AGreen: Aww KLutz. Look at how cute we are. I am having this framed.
KLutz: Man we are looking fine here. Like there was any worry I...I mean we...wouldn't look hot.

DFan: RPatz, what is so funny?
RPatz: KStew had just said that Twilight was better than Harry Potter. Obviously she is crazy.
KStew: Harry Potter know what. I ain't going over this again.

RPatz: I am looking fly! Got on the Bans and that sweet tux. That's what gets the ladies. Trust.
KLutz: Check out my bow tie. The ladies like that too.

JRath: Pointing? Really?
KStew: They were trying to get TLaut to put on a shirt. And he was throwing a fit.
TLaut: Why would you want to cover all of this (**points at abs**) up?? It just doesn't make any sense to me.

RPatz: Man, something smelled bad that day. I think it was when KLutz stayed up for a week playing Call of Duty and forgot to shower.
KLutz: **remembers back** That was a good week.....

Author's note:
Hope you're enjoying our fun times.
So, we added that handy Site Meter thinger at the bottom.
We see you all visiting.
Leave us some comments!
Person from Europe: Well hello! Happy you're visiting. Do you have connections with this man? How about these people? That would be super sweet.

AGreen and JRath pics from: here.
KLutz pics from: here.
RPatz and KStew pics from: here.
And the TLaut pic was provided by google.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Maxim Madness

One evening, RPatz and KLutz decided to go down to the hotel lobby and grab some coffee. (Well Monster for KLutz) Little did they know that they would find a copy of December 2009's Maxim Magazine, with someone near and dear to their hearts on the cover.

Back at The Penthouse...

KStew, TLaut (shirtless, of course), JRath, DFan and AGreen are casually sitting around and watching DFan appropriate TV (As decided by AGreen).

KStew: God, what is taking them so long, RPatz promised to bring me my non-fat coffee with the sugar-free expresso shot.

TLaut: KStew calm yourself down here. You always seems to get so jittery after drinking that crap. I prefer protein shakes to coffee any day of the week.

KStew, JRath: WE KNOW!

AGreen: And how many times must I remind you, please please put a shirt on!

RPatz and KLutz burst through the door, laughing.

RPatz: I just can't believe it!

KLutz: We have to watch that photo shoot video!!!

Everyone else: What's going on? What's so funny, etc.

KStew: (not seeing her coffee) WHERE'S MY COFFEE?!?

KLutz: Take it easy there KStew, we're having it sent up, there was a long line. Hey DFan, come over here a minute, we wanna show you something.

DFan: Whatever. (She goes overs) OMG. Why do you have Maxim maga...IS THAT AGREEN? On the cov...

AGreen: (Running over quickly and attempting to pull the magazine out of RPatz' hands) Get rid of that! You'll taint DFan's mind even more; DFan, Avert your eyes!! Oh my, I'm blushing! Blushing!

As AGreen is frantically trying to stop blushing, JRath and TLaut obviously run over to get a look at the magazine.

TLaut: Damn! AGreen, you're smokin'!

JRath: Agreed! Where was all this when we were filming? All you ever wear to and from set is cardigans...

KStew: You guys are disgusting. I'm leaving and GETTING my coffee. (She leaves The Penthouse)

DFan: (obviously grossed out by the high levels of testosterone from the boys) KStew, hold up! I'm coming too! (She leaves as well)

KLutz: Alright, AGreen. Let's get an explanation, and quick. I need to get back to COD. I've got three levels left. For reals.

AGreen: I just don't see why you guys are making such a big deal out of this. Everything you all do is ten times more repulsive than taking some pictures.
TLaut: Yeah, but these are sexy pictures.
AGreen: Not at all. Their artistic. And I thought it would be a nice way to get away from you monsters. And I was able to get some nice Christmas shopping in, although I'm thinking about taking all of your stuff back now anyway. You guys are disgusting me.

KLutz: Oh don't AGreen, we didn't mean it (well, maybe a little). I've gotta get back to COD anyways. (Goes to play his video game, AGreen clearly doesn't notice the other copy he has behind his back)

RPatz: Not me man, I'm going to look at this photo shoot video. You guys in?

TLaut: Definitely man!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Movie Night with the TLight Gang

One evening in The Penthouse.....

AGreen: I think tonight we should all relax and just watch a movie, since last time got a little out of hand. Does anyone have any suggestions?

RPatz: (excitedly takes a break from guitar playing) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!

Oh my God. How many times have we watched that? Harry Potter sucks balls.

Harry Potter has done so many great things for children. Look at how these lovely books have encouraged reading in kids. I think they are fantastic. And these movies are really great pieces of fantasy. Though they do stray slightly from the book. But that is really the same for any book to movie. I think we would all know that.

Don't you go comparing Twilight to Harry Potter....

How can you say that KStew? Harry Potter is fantastic. Some of my best work, if I do say so myself.

You know what I like about Harry Potter. That hot Hermione Granger chick.

TLaut, why is it that you never have a shirt on? Would you like me to purchase some for you?

I am just fine AGreen. DRad went all naked for that play he was in, and I don't see you complaining about that.

Man, how do you know that?

I don't know. I saw it online somewhere or something.

Yeah, I frequent Mugglenet and they talked about it on there. They also said something about him getting nude for the Deathly Hallows movie I think.

Oh goodness. Well, we'll just have to see how that goes. I do hope we don't see everything, because there will be children viewing these.

So, are we gonna watch this movie or not?! I want to see how awesome I am.

I don't know RPatz. I would hate for little DFan to get all worked up at the end like she usually does.

I don't get worked up. It is just a really emotional part.

I think that is the best part of the movie. That means it is almost over.

You know what KStew?! You can suck it. I was Cedric freaking Diggory! Do you know what that's like?! NO! I had to learn to do all kinds of stunt things. I had to swim underwater for extended periods of time. I had to face that mutant baby thing at the end, only to be killed by that damn dude that was a rat! Plus, after I went flying through the air when I died, I had to just lay there with my eyes all open. Do you know how hard it is to keep your eyes open that long?!?!? I would think not after all that blinking you managed to fit into your Twilight performance.
(RPatz gets up angrily and storms out of the room.)

Does this mean that I have to stop playing Call of Duty? Cause I'm in the middle of a level right now...