Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cast sends thoughts.

My fellow partner on this here blog, Erin, took a little spill on the ice yesterday.
And broke her little leg.
Sounds more like something I would do....but anyways...
The TLight stars wanted to give her some things to make her feel better and send her their wishes.

KStew: Well, I know what it is like to fall on ice. Trust me, I had to do it in Twilight. And I know what it's like to wear one of those boot things. I had to do that in Twilight too. So, anyways, feel better soon. And, since I'm supposed to be making you feel better and all, I guess Harry Potter isn't all that bad. Just don't tell RPatz I said that.

TLaut: Yo, if you want to feel better you can just look at my abs for a while. Plus, you can watch me be awesome on Saturday Night Live.

JRath: If you get to feeling better I can give you some beer pong lessons. Show you how I always beat KStew.

DFan: Oh my goodness! Did it look all gross and stuff?? I bet it did. That really sucks. If I broke my leg, I couldn't be a cheerleader for my high school football team anymore. And that would be really bad. So I hope you get to feeling better soon.

KLutz: Well, since you can't move around as much now, we can play some XBox together if you want. I can show you how to rule at Call of Duty. I've pretty much got the skills you know.

AGreen: Oh my stars. That ice is so bad this time of year. At least, I imagine it being bad. LA doesn't really get that you know. But I hope your leg heals better soon. I can't imagine walking around with a cast and everything. If you need anything, let me know. I'm here to take care of you if you need it.

RPatz: Well, I thought I would write you a little song about my get well wishes.
(Sung to the tune of Mandy by Barry Manilow)
Ohhhh Erinnnnnnnn!
Well you went and you fell on iceeeeee
And now you can't walk
Ohhhh Erinnnnn!
Well I hope you fell better sooonnnnnnn
And you get your pink cast
Ohhh Errrrrin.

So Erin, the TLight stars have provided you with warm wishes and thoughts.
And now, I provide you with this.
Cause I saw it, and laughed a lot.

Get better!!

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